To produce a media with high enough sugar concentration for fermentation purposes higher liquid:solid ratios (higher percentages of sucrose) must be used. Using the same experimental setup as in Example 2, but with liquid:solid ratio 10:4, acid concentrations of 1%, and 5% were investigated at 80° C. and 100° C. Sucrose hydrolysis results are presented in Table 14. Yields after finished hydrolysis are shown in Table 2. The yields are expressed on a weight basis as the mass of produced monosaccharides per mass of hydrolyzed sucrose. From the yields it can be seen that the best results are achieved by low acid loadings and high temperatures. After one hour the yields were close to 100%, and heating for another hour did not generate any significant sugar degradation.
A powerful anti oxidant that helps fight toxic free radicals and disruptions of the cardiac rhythm, succinic acid has been shown to stimulate neural system recovery and bolster the immune system, and helps compensate for energy drain in the body and brain, boosting awareness, concentration and reflexes, and reducing stress.
The blood urea nitrogen levels were increased in females at 1,000 mg/kg bw/day. Higher levels (300 mg/dL and higher) of urinary proteins were found in one and two of the five males at 300 and 1,000 mg/kg bw/day, respectively,whereas no animals with these high levels were found in the control and 100 mg/kg bw/day groups.These findings suggest adverse effects of this compound on the kidney. Increased weight of the adrenal gland was observed in males at 1,000 mg/kg bw/day. No compound-related effects on the histopathological findings were observed. Based on the higher levels of urinary protein in males and blood urea nitrogen in females, the NOAEL of disodium succinate hexahydrate for repeated dose toxicity was considered to be 100 mg/kg bw/day for male rats and 300 mg/kg bw/day for female rats.